Product Details

(1 Customer Review)

Bt Pharma Melatonin 5 Mg Sublingual 60 Tablets

5,000 JOD

promotes optimal sleep & help to reduce the time taken to fall a sleep.-help with certain conditions, such as jet lag, delayed sleep-wake phase disorder & anxiety before and after surgery. -promotes optimal sleep & help to reduce the time taken to fall a sleep. -for adults from 18 years old and over. – As with all dietary supplements, people who are taking medicine should consult their health care providers before using melatonin.




Toy, Baby Boy, Baby Girl


promotes optimal sleep & help to reduce the time taken to fall a sleep.-help with certain conditions, such as jet lag, delayed sleep-wake phase disorder & anxiety before and after surgery.
-promotes optimal sleep & help to reduce the time taken to fall a sleep.
-for adults from 18 years old and over.
– As with all dietary supplements, people who are taking medicine should consult their health care providers before using melatonin.


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