Product Details

(1 Customer Review)

Bio Energy Tech Coenzyme CoQ-10 (300Mg ) 60 Capsule

35,000 JOD

Antioxidant capsules for heart health and fight signs of skin aging.Co-Q10 acts as a powerful antioxidant as it adjusts to many reactions in the body, highlighting its importance in protecting the heart and blood vessels, improving their functions, enhancing the muscle structure, restoring the muscles, and relieving their cramps and pain. It also contributes to fighting signs of aging for the skin, such as lines and wrinkles. It has proven effective in raising the level of fertility in men. It has also been shown that it has a clear effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.




Toy, Baby Boy, Baby Girl


Antioxidant capsules for heart health and fight signs of skin aging.Co-Q10 acts as a powerful antioxidant as it adjusts to many reactions in the body, highlighting its importance in protecting the heart and blood vessels, improving their functions, enhancing the muscle structure, restoring the muscles, and relieving their cramps and pain. It also contributes to fighting signs of aging for the skin, such as lines and wrinkles. It has proven effective in raising the level of fertility in men. It has also been shown that it has a clear effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.


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