Product Details

(1 Customer Review)

Bio Energy Tech Acetyl L-Carnitine 750Mg 90Cap

30,000 JOD

To lose weight, increase male fertility and enhance mental function.Acetyl L-CARNITINE capsules have proven highly effective in burning fat and improving blood circulation, which enhances the body’s activity and increases its ability as it improves mental functions and stimulates memory. It also proved its effectiveness in increasing fertility in men by improving the functions of the reproductive system, increasing the number and movement of sperms and reducing their malformations. .




Toy, Baby Boy, Baby Girl


To lose weight, increase male fertility and enhance mental function.Acetyl L-CARNITINE capsules have proven highly effective in burning fat and improving blood circulation, which enhances the body’s activity and increases its ability as it improves mental functions and stimulates memory. It also proved its effectiveness in increasing fertility in men by improving the functions of the reproductive system, increasing the number and movement of sperms and reducing their malformations. .


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