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(1 Customer Review)

Apisal Jet Kit Baby

4,250 JOD

The nasal lining counts on little hairs (known as Cilia) to clean it regularly; Children and infants in specific are very reliant on this since Cilia’s functionality is focused on removing dust and germs from the air babies breathe during their sleep and playtime. Apisal Jet kit Baby delivers what is needed and provides a comprehensive nasal care system made especially for infants and newborns. This kit contains APISAL jet baby 30ml bottle and high-quality nasal aspirator:
  • Apisal Jet Baby is a sterile isotonic physiological solution (100% natural) that cleanses and moisturizes nasal passages and helps in removing incrustations, bacteria, viruses, allergens or irritants entrapped in the nasal mucosa. It also helps in cleansing eyes, moisturizing them, and relieving from any irritations. It also loosens and thins out mucous secretions to aid removal from nose and sinuses allowing for easier breathing especially for infants and newborns.
  • Nasal Aspirator gently facilitates the safe removal of excess mucous and nasal discharge from babies’ and children’s tiny noses allowing for smoother breathing.




Toy, Baby Boy, Baby Girl


The nasal lining counts on little hairs (known as Cilia) to clean it regularly; Children and infants in specific are very reliant on this since Cilia’s functionality is focused on removing dust and germs from the air babies breathe during their sleep and playtime.

Apisal Jet kit Baby delivers what is needed and provides a comprehensive nasal care system made especially for infants and newborns.

This kit contains APISAL jet baby 30ml bottle and high-quality nasal aspirator:

  • Apisal Jet Baby is a sterile isotonic physiological solution (100% natural) that cleanses and moisturizes nasal passages and helps in removing incrustations, bacteria, viruses, allergens or irritants entrapped in the nasal mucosa. It also helps in cleansing eyes, moisturizing them, and relieving from any irritations. It also loosens and thins out mucous secretions to aid removal from nose and sinuses allowing for easier breathing especially for infants and newborns.
  • Nasal Aspirator gently facilitates the safe removal of excess mucous and nasal discharge from babies’ and children’s tiny noses allowing for smoother breathing.


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