Product Details

(1 Customer Review)

Advancis Lipo3 (Regulates Sugar Metabolism) 60Tab

34,800 JOD

0Advancis® Lipo 3 (chromium, garcinia, L-carnitine, and complex of plants) helps control appetite , controls the metabolism of carbohydrates, stimulates the conversion of fat into muscle, and facilitates the removal of excess fat, all of which aid in the process of losing weight. includes components that support a balanced metabolism, fat mobilization, and a balance between carbohydrate intake and absorption. Chrome referred to as the complex glucose tolerance factor’s active component (GTF). Chromium levels may also be decreased in diabetics. L-Carnitine The body naturally contains L-carnitine.( A vital component in the synthesis of cellular energy ) It may have antioxidant qualities and is necessary for beta-oxidation. Diabetes problems are associated with reduced levels of carnitine.




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0Advancis® Lipo 3 (chromium, garcinia, L-carnitine, and complex of plants) helps control appetite , controls the metabolism of carbohydrates, stimulates the conversion of fat into muscle, and facilitates the removal of excess fat, all of which aid in the process of losing weight. includes components that support a balanced metabolism, fat mobilization, and a balance between carbohydrate intake and absorption.

referred to as the complex glucose tolerance factor’s active component (GTF). Chromium levels may also be decreased in diabetics.

The body naturally contains L-carnitine.( A vital component in the synthesis of cellular energy ) It may have antioxidant qualities and is necessary for beta-oxidation. Diabetes problems are associated with reduced levels of carnitine.


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